This Website!

This is a simple website. It's all about Markdown and HTML.

Gen 3 🏔️

The site is currently using the Zola static site generator to put everything together. The HTML and CSS are written by me. I'm really pleased with the look and feel. I've learned a lot about web development in the last five years.

The web font I was using before was nice, but eventually I realized that I was letting Google "see" every page load on my site. I hope it's not doing as much tracking as Google Analytics, but I still don't want it anywhere near my digital life right now.

This site doesn't need JavaScript yet. I have a grand total of twelve posts right now. If I ever decide to add comments, search, or analytics, then there will be a bit of JS.

// TODO: Write a blog post about the new design & implementation

Gen 2 ❇️

I decided to migrate the website to Hugo for better cross-platform testing support. Hugo was easy to get running, but the customization system took a couple hours to fully understand.

The theme was a slightly modified version of Hyde using the Merriweather font for the title. The Markdown parser automatically uses typographically correct quotes, and Hugo shortcodes help create a consistent visual appearance.

(But Hugo is complicated. Eventually, I got tired of using someone else's theme and the feeling that I couldn't modify all of the site's HTML and CSS.)

Gen 1 ⛳️

Originally built with Jekyll and a fully custom theme. This was back in... wow, 2013 (first post, cringe). I guess I've had a website for ten years now.

Apparently, I originally called the site "Mindful Code." I thought I needed a "company name" or something. Seems silly, in retrospect, but I guess I was a silly teenager.

Mountain peaks at sunset